Cheap Plane Tickets to Colombia? 4 tips!

If you have decided to take a trip to Colombia, the first step is often booking your flight tickets. Do you already know which destination you want to fly to and in which month you want to visit Colombia? Depending on the city and month, ticket prices to Colombia can vary significantly. We’ve compiled 4 tips to help you find the most affordable way to travel to Colombia!

How many months in advance should you book flight tickets to Colombia?

You can save money on your flight ticket by purchasing it at the right time. Prices are highly dependent on the booking period. If you book too early, ticket prices are often still very high. Last-minute bookings are generally not cheap either. For trips to Colombia, it is recommended to buy your ticket approximately 24 weeks (6 months) in advance. So, if you want to fly to Colombia as affordably as possible, it is wise to plan your trip well in advance.

Cheapest months to fly to Colombia

Now that you know how far in advance you should buy your ticket to get the best price, it’s also good to know that the price also depends on the month you fly to Colombia. Our summer months are expensive for flying. If you want to go to Colombia in July or August, you will generally pay the most for your ticket during these months. February, March, April, and May are the cheapest months to fly. If you plan to travel to Colombia in any of these months, you will likely get the most affordable deal for your flight ticket.

Cheapest destinations to fly to in Colombia

Another important factor for a cheap flight ticket is your destination in Colombia. The three largest airports in Colombia are located in Medellín, Cartagena, and Bogota. Bogota, being the capital of the country, is often the most affordable city to fly to. You can almost always fly directly to Bogota and Cartagena, while for Medellin, you always have at least one layover. A direct flight is usually more expensive than a flight with a layover, so if you want to book a cheap flight ticket to Colombia, you can always consider taking a layover.

Tip: If you are planning a round trip in Colombia, you can consider flying into Bogota and returning from Cartagena or vice versa, to see which option is more convenient.

How much does a cheap flight ticket to Colombia cost?

So, how affordable is a cheap flight ticket to Colombia? You can estimate around $700 for a ticket between February and May, which are the cheapest months to fly. In the summer months, a ticket can easily cost over $800. Of course, these prices also depend on the airline you fly with, the flight times, and the final destination. If you’re lucky, it’s possible to find a ticket under $700, but you might have a travel duration of around 30 hours.

Tip: Use a comparison website!

Because there are so many different airlines nowadays, it’s wise to use a comparison website. This way, you can see exactly what the best flight times are, who offers the cheapest prices, and whether it’s a daytime or nighttime flight. We always use ourselves. They always have good prices and it’s a user-friendly website with easily accessible customer service in case you encounter any issues.